Thursday, July 17, 2008

days, weeks, months...

Everyone who knows anything about pregnancy understands at least the basic concept of trimesters. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters made up of "3 months" each. 

We often refer to pregnancy length in months. In all actuality, you can ask any pregnant woman out there in the world how many "months" along she is and (unless she's already sat down to figure that up this week) it's probably going to take her a minute to figure out the answer.

See...pregnancy is actually timed in weeks. Always weeks and nothing but weeks. We are technically pregnant for 40 weeks (although we aren't ACTUALLY pregnant for the first two). If you break it down to 4 weeks a month...then...yep, you figured it out...we are actually pregnant for 10 months. I realize it's all so confusing to our convention minds that have always been taught that human gestation is a 9 month process. 

So...your "estimated due date" is 40 weeks into this whole pregnancy thing BUT your baby is actually considered to be "full term" at 37 weeks. So babies that are born 3 weeks "early" are viewed, in the medical world, as being fully developed functioning babies.

Most doctors will induce at 37 weeks or perform a c-section at 37 weeks...they just don't really hesitate to bring a baby on into the world at 37 weeks. 

I don't know when Camden will be making his entrance into the world...but hopefully...once we hit the 37 week mark (the last week of July) he'll be ready to come on!

I'm still feeling good. I'm actually feeling better than I have been. He finally "dropped" this week (also know as "Lightening"). So I am FINALLY able to breath easily again and I actually have a stomach for my food to go into! :) I still don't know if my body is making any other progress because my doctor chose not to check me just yet. Either way...we are inevitably getting VERY close. While I would LOVE to have a date (being the "control freak" that I am)...we don't. This is one surprise that even I can't snoop around and find out. That's a hard lesson for me to learn...but a good one :)


CiCi said...

You've don't need to be in a hurry! He needs to wait until at least August 7th!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, same way I felt. Try going to 40 and 41 weeks!

shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...