Tuesday, September 9, 2008


In the interest of keeping everyone updated, I just wanted to say, we started Camden on his reflux meds last night.

My new "Dairy Free Diet" has worked WONDERS for his fussiness. He is literally a TOTALLY different baby! However, he is still having some obvious issues with his reflux...moaning and groaning in his sleep and still unable to lay in his cradle at night...

So, I felt like it would be best to go ahead and get him started on the meds. 

It was a rough night last night and has been a long day today...he just has not been sleeping much AT ALL! 

Hopefully he'll be too worn out tonight to stay up...he's in the middle of his longest nap of the day now...He's been down for about 2 hours! 

I'll keep you updated, as always.

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shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...