Tuesday, September 16, 2008

how cool is this?

I just found this website that will make a book out of your blog...
For example, I could make a scrapbook for Camden of this blog and he would have a hard copy of it forever and ever! 
I'm impressed! Very impressed! :)


In other news, Camden and I leave in the morning for Tennessee! We are super excited to see everyone there and Camden can't wait to finally meet his Mamaw and Poppa...not to mention his great great aunts and uncles and cousins! Ah...fun times :)

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous about taking a 7 week old baby on a plane! :) However, if we get him started early, hopefully he won't have any problems with it later on. Lets face it, the kid is going to be flying a lot. :)

Don't know if I'll have time to blog from Tennessee, but I'll be armed with plenty of pictures when I get home :)

Meanwhile, David has the yucky job of stay home so he can work and take care of the house and the dogs :(...we are really going to miss him! 

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shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...