Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just so you know...

This is how Camden was sleeping in his sweetpeace the other day.

He's such a little man!
He's still doing really well. I'm still feeling like he's gonna end up needing the medicine, but for now, the formula is really helping loads. 

I really miss sleeping in my bed, because I've been on the couch so I can be in the living room with he can sleep in his sweetpeace. 

He's a really good baby all over again and it's still a beautiful thing! :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey! So glad you are all getting some sleep now. He is simply adorable! Love you guys.

shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...