Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I know I've been slacking...I am totally aware.

I'm also totally deserving of the time I have taken off.

Simply put, my baby has not been sleeping! Every time I lay him down in his cradle, no matter how asleep he is seconds before I put him down, he wakes up screaming. I don't mean crying, I mean screaming...bloody murder screaming! It doesn't subside, he continues to scream until I pick him back up. 

It has made for some really rough days and nights lately.

I'm not sure what is wrong, but I know something isn't right. We are wondering if he might be having a problem with reflux. We have a doctor's appointment today so hopefully we'll have some answers.

From what I've read about reflux, one thing you can do is keep the baby's head elevated while they sleep...so, we tried something different. We put Camden in his Graco Sweetpeace to sleep. Oh sweet glorious sleep! We got sleep! It was amazing. He only woke up 3 times to eat and each time he went right back to sleep! I cannot tell you how wonderful that felt. I am not exaggerating when I say I had not had more than one hour of sleep at a time for the past 3 days. 
I'll update again later...after the doctor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dade had really bad acid reflux. He did the same thing. We got him a papasan swing, and it was our saving grace. That and the medicine of course... which he took until he was about a year and a half. Plus, he had special formula. It's all worth it. And now, he sleeps great, is medicine free, and eats like a champ.

shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...