Thursday, April 10, 2008

I know...I know...

Yes, I do realize this blog is not titled "Allison's Work Blog!" Therefore, you might be wondering why it seems all I ever write about guessed job! :) Well, it just seems to be all that's going on right now. Especially during the week when all I'm really doing is eating, sleeping, working, and cleaning. (probably in that order too...eek) However, I do have some encouraging least for myself :)

As I have stated previously, I'm VERY nervous about next year because I'm getting an all new class...I know NOTHING about them...and I'm going to be on maternity leave when school starts! I'm hoping and praying this baby comes a week early or a week late because I'm due back at work the same day Camden is due to enter the world! 

Because of my nerves, I'm working to be as proactive as possible! I have gotten in touch with some people who have helped me out a lot with the students I have now. I was referred to the department head of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). She has been SUPER helpful so far! She was really glad I went ahead and sought her out. She is going to be taking me around with her to look at some successful ASD units to get some ideas and inspiration. She is also going to come and look at my future classroom to help me set it up to help my kids work to their fullest potential. :) I'm pretty excited about all the help!

One thing she did tell me was to start collecting SHOE BOXES. She said I would need to use them in the classroom. I'm not sure what for just yet, but I'm sure I'll find out. :) So, that's where you come in :). If you have any extra shoe boxes laying around, save them for me if you would...Please! I don't expect anyone to go out collecting them, but if you guys buy some shoes here and there, it would really help if you'd save me the boxes. Thank you so much! (since all I ever wear is flip flops, my shoes don't come in boxes.)

On another topic completely, One of my Beloved Guinea Pigs (you can click on that to read a funny story about my guinea should read it if you haven't before)went home with one of my students today :) and I have a home for another one...leaving me with one to get rid of. Hopefully she'll go to a good home sooner rather than later...I'm SO ready to get rid of them all. :)


CiCi said...

thanks for the update...sorry i left my shoe boxes at the store the last time i bought them here!
love, mom

Elizabeth said...

I am glad you are excited about your new class. I think I can get a hold of at least 2 for you. I don't think they have been thrown away yet. How should I get them to you?
Tell Camden "Hi" for me!!
Love you,

Elizabeth said...

When I said I have 2 boxes I mean I have 4. Just so you know.
Love ya

shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...