Thursday, November 20, 2008

sucking on a ball point pen?

We are in the unfortunate, lengthy process of moving.

UGH! I know I've said it before but I really can't stand moving...bottom line, we've got to be done by Sunday, because we are leaving then to go to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. Though we are very excited to get to Tennessee and enjoy our time with everyone, it's going to be a stressful few days leading up to our trip. :(

Here are a few pictures of Camden in the past few days...

I know I mentioned in my last post that Camden had Thrush, he's doing much better now! Thankfully. My funny story about the thrush is the OTC medication I used to help him heal up a little faster. Gentian Violet is funny works wonders for Thrush, but it makes your baby look like they have sucked on an ink pen. The first time I tried it, I shook the bottle, not realizing it was open just a little and Camden and I were both turned immediately purple. Thus the subject of the first two pictures here...

Even purple, he's still precious! :)

Here he is in that awesome shirt from Aunt Ashley that we saw back in June

Here's a happy baby in his stroller

Camden is gone to stay with G-Mom and Grandy for a few nights. We are thankful to them, as always, for helping us out! He'll be coming home to a new house! :)


mom24boys said...

I cannot believe how big he is getting! What an adorable boy!

Elizabeth said...

He is still adorable purple!!! I can't wait to see you all at some point when you all are up here!!
He has the cutest smile in his stroller. He just looks so happy!

Love y'all

Jill said...

He is absolutely adorable. We are going to be in Crossville all week so I really hope I get to meet your two wonderful guys! Ya'll be careful on the drive up and see ya next week.

shuttle launch...or not...

We went to the beach last weekend for the shuttle launch...we failed to get the memo that the launch had been canceled at midnight the night...